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The Medicine Lake City Hall is located at 10609 South Shore Drive. It is not staffed on a regular basis. If you need to get in contact with City Council or Staff, please contact them directly by email or leave a voicemail by calling (763) 542-9701. City staff is responsible for the day to day business of the City, including public works, parks, fire services, organizing elections and other administrative tasks.

Law enforcement services are provided by the Hennepin Co. Sheriff’s office. More information on policing can be found on the Law Enforcement page.

City of Medicine Lake City Hall

City Council

The City of Medicine Lake City Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Medicine Lake City Hall at 10609 South Shore Drive. City Council meetings are open to the public. If you would like to reach any Council member, you can email them at the email address below, or by phone at (763) 542-9701.

Note on email sent to City Council members: Please note that all email sent to a Medicine Lake City Council member is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. It may be available to anyone making a request for it, and it may be made part of the public record if it is directed to a matter before the Council.

The agenda and packets for the next City of Medicine Lake Council meeting will be posted on the agendas/minutes section of the website when available.


Chris Heim

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires: 1/6/2027

City Council

Bill McNaughton

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires: 1/6/2029

City Council

Ruth Hovey

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires: 1/6/2029

City Council

Nina Zelazny

Email:  [email protected]

Term Expires: 1/6/2027

City Council

Ron Tomczik

Email: [email protected]

Term Expires: 1/4/2027

City Staff


Gary Englert

Email: [email protected]

City Clerk

Therese Polum

Email: [email protected]

Deputy Clerk

Lisa Neary

Email: [email protected]

Public Works

Fire Chief

Rich Halvorsen

Email: [email protected]

Emergency Management Coordinator; Preparedness Director


Email: [email protected]

Data Practices Compliance Official; Data Practices Designee

Joshua Hauble

Email: [email protected]

Elections Clerk

Open Position

Email: [email protected]

The Laker

Email: [email protected]