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City Mainline Water System & Hydrants Is In-Service

Hello neighbors!

I have wonderful news to share—our new mainline water system has been safety tested and is officially in service! This is a major milestone for our city, and I want to take a moment to celebrate it with all of you. The hydrants are now available for fire protection, and the system is approved for household connections.

I vividly remember several years ago, when we were facing the reality that our roads needed replacement, and we realized this was the time to install a watermain. It was a daunting moment—we knew it had to be done, but we had no idea how we’d make it happen, both from an engineering and financial perspective.

What kept us going was the realization that without fire hydrants and access to safe drinking water, our city would eventually face a serious crisis—whether from an unmanageable fire or a well no longer producing safe drinking water. We couldn’t, in good conscience, fulfill our duty to serve both current and future needs by installing a new road without first addressing our water situation.

I’m incredibly proud of how everyone came together to support this project. The construction this summer has been disruptive, and I appreciate the grace and patience you’ve shown throughout. Having our watermain safety-approved is a major achievement. And soon—in just a few weeks—we’ll have a new asphalt road, bringing us even closer to completing a project that will benefit our city for decades to come.

Please join me in savoring this key moment in the history of our city!

Thank you for your kind support!