Dear Neighbors,
In loving memory of Chris Klar, we are organizing a memorial fundraiser to support two special projects.
First, we have arranged to plant a beautiful sugar maple in Memorial Park, replacing the white oak that, unfortunately, didn’t survive last summer’s dry conditions. This new maple will mark the entrance to our city and stand as a living tribute to the legacy of Chris and Alan Klar. The tree is scheduled for planting ahead of Chris’s Celebration of Life on Sunday, November 17th (program details coming later this week).
Additionally, if funds allow, we hope to create a memorial landscaping feature near the new pavilion in Jevne Park. This feature will be incorporated into the plantings and playground equipment planned for next spring.
We greatly appreciate any contributions to support these special tributes. Your donations can be made by check to The City of Medicine Lake (please leave in the city mailbox) or you may contribute online via the attached link or QR code image. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=5ZU4NVPN6NFXU
If possible, we would love to receive your donation by Monday, November 4th, to coincide with our next City Council meeting. However, contributions are welcome at any time that works for you.
Thank you for helping us honor Chris’s memory in such a meaningful way.
Chris Heim
Mayor, City of Medicine Lake