Hello All-
Some residents have asked about the city emails they are receiving from an unusual email address which is [email protected]. The emails are from the city and are a feature of our new website that allows us to send out information to residents. We pre-populated the recipient list from the list of residents who are receiving the street update emails. You are able to unsubscribe or change the types of notices you receive by following the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. You are also able to sign up to receive text message updates. You may want to add [email protected] to your contacts to prevent emails from going to your junk folder. Please have patience while we perfect the system and I hope that you will all stay subscribed. If you know anyone who is not receiveing emails, they can subscribe on the bottom of the home page of our website.
Please take the time to check out the new website. We hope that you will find it informative and easy to navigate. You can find it here: www.cityofmedicinelake.com.